Halloween Prep


Halloween is upon us and we wanted to share some tips to make this evening as exciting as possible while lessening any stress. -Katie Weber


  • If you have a child that is is sensitive to fabrics, costumes can be a challenge. Be sure to feel the inside of the costume before purchasing or have them wear an undershirt.

  • The weather is often so variable this time of year so wearing a pair of Cuddle Duds underneath is a great tip so the costume can still be seen!


  • If you're little one gets nervous about the dark/scary costumes or can't walk very far, look for a trunk or treat or fall festival. Most towns have lots of alternatives to the traditional trick or treating. I love this resource for researching local events: https://national.macaronikid.com/


  • As you prepare for the evening, plan for some downtime in the afternoon, make sure everyone is well fed before heading out, roll on all the stress away and enjoy your evening!

  • If you have a dog, we have found putting ours up for the evening, keeps our dog from getting nervous about all the visitors.

What's your favorite Halloween tip to make it a night to remember?