DIY Calming Sensory Play


We are officially in the dog days of summer and I wanted to share a fun activity! I've used this at an arts & craft festival and kids (& parents alike) were drawn to it. There's something about moon sand that is instantly calming. -Katie Weber

Moon Sand Recipe:

  • 4 cups cornstarch or arrowroot powder

  • 1 cup melted coconut oil (olive or avocado oil will work as well, but may slightly change the color of the sand)

  • a few drops of any calming essential oil that your family loves (I've used lavender, stress away and peace & calming)

  • lots of small cars or diggers

Mix the flour and oil together until thoroughly combined and then sprinkle a few drops of the essential oil over everything. Pour the moon sand into a tray or large container and add in lots of diggers to play with.

Store in an airtight container for multiple uses.


After playing in the moon sand, the toys may a good wash. To extend the activity, set up a washing station! Water play is also a great sensory activity and as a bonus, you can even add some more essential oils to the water!

Fill a dish with warm soapy water along with a few drops of essential oil. Let your kiddos wash their cars and diggers and set a towel out for them to dry.

I'd love to hear what your favorite witching hour activities are!