Stress Free Summer Essentials


For the month of May we are focusing on releasing the emotional weights that are tying us down and releasing the physical stress within our bodies! Stress-free summer here we come! Here are a few items we are using this month and beyond to cultivate the stress-free summer we desire! -Ashley Cribb


  • "The friend of those walking through hard times"

  • This blend of oils helps promote a positive, peaceful atmosphere when diffused and can be an incredibly powerful emotional tool when you are struggling with negative emotions, carrying the weight of others, and processing grief or disappointment. Pair it with lavender for a calming, relaxing blend to help release negative emotions.


  • When cortisol is produced too frequently, it can have negative health consequences such as feelings of fatigue, difficulty maintaining healthy weight, and difficulty maintaining optimal health of cardiovascular systems. Enter CortiStop. CortiStop is an herb and essential oil supplement that helps to naturally balance the stress response by calming the body and lowering cortisol levels. As cortisol declines, strength and energy return, and the body moves back to a state of equilibrium.


  • For bright, happy vibes and yummy diffuser blends!

  • Tangerine pairs well with just about anything, and adding it to White Angelica or the oils in the Feelings Kit can improve your emotional outcome.

  • Citrus oils in general help to promote feelings of creativity, confidence and contentment!

  • Diffuse Tangerine with Lavender and Valor or Release at bedtime, with White Angelica during meditation or prayer, with ‘tree oils’ like spruce and pine during yoga!

What are your stress-free summer essentials?!!!!

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